Event date: 10/10/2024 1:00 PM Export event Cassidy Denton / Wednesday, September 18, 2024 / Categories: Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation Advisory Council on Workers’ Compensation Meeting The Advisory Council on Workers’ Compensation will meet on October 10, 2024. Meeting Date and Time Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. CT Location William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower Nashville Room, 3rd Floor 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37243 The Advisory Council on Workers’ Compensation will consider the items in the agenda. Individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in these proceedings and require an accommodation should contact the Advisory Council on Workers’ Compensation no less than two (2) days prior to the scheduled meeting date to allow time for the Department of Treasury to arrange for an accommodation. You may contact the Advisory Council on Workers’ Compensation Staff by phone at (615) 347-3791 or by email to the Administrator, Kevin McNelis, at Kevin.M.McNelis@tn.gov. Print 894 Documents to download ACWC-PublicMeetingNotice-10102024_Revised(.pdf, 149.15 KB) - 242 download(s) ACWC_MeetingAgenda_10.10.2024(.pdf, 156.57 KB) - 243 download(s) ACWC_MeetingMinutes_11-8-2023(.pdf, 317.71 KB) - 211 download(s) ACWC_GuidelinesForPublicCommentAtMeetings(.pdf, 105.53 KB) - 200 download(s) ACWC_PublicCommentPolicy(.pdf, 113.99 KB) - 198 download(s) NCCI_Tennessee_Workers_Compensation_Voluntary_Loss_Cost_Assigned_Risk_Rate_Filings(.pdf, 800.53 KB) - 243 download(s) NCCI_Tennessee_Workers_Compensation_Residual_Market_Administration(.pdf, 715.06 KB) - 214 download(s) Elevate_Consulting_Statistical_Report(.pdf, 1.17 MB) - 199 download(s) Elevate_Consulting_Statistical_Report_Presentation(.pdf, 848.54 KB) - 178 download(s) TN_DCI_Overview_of_TNs_Workers_Compensation_Market_Conditions_and_Environment(.pdf, 462.87 KB) - 187 download(s)