Report Unclaimed Property

Submit Your Report Online

You are now required to file your unclaimed property report through our secure online portal.

hands typing on modern laptop

Submit your report using our secure, online portal

The ReportItTN online portal allows you to submit your unclaimed property report electronically to meet statutory requirements.

  • Secure, convenient, and easy-to-use
  • Gives instant confirmation that your report has been accepted

Important: You are still required to create your NAUPA file prior to using the online reporting portal. Instructions and resources for creating the file and submitting your report are provided below.

Launch the ReportItTN secure online reporting portal

Submit Your Payment Online

Submit a payment on a report that has been uploaded or entered manually using the ReportItTN portal. Payment can be made using ACH Debit (E-Check) or Credit Card. Tennessee's Company ID code for E-Check payments is B621868563. If you require ACH Credit or Wire instructions, please email us at

Submit Payment

Helpful guides and resources

The ReportItTN online portal user manual provides step-by-step instructions for completing the online reporting process, including creating the NAUPA file. The Complete Reporting Guide covers the three-step process of holder reporting and includes class codes and dormancy period charts.

Download the ReportItTN User Manual

Download the Complete Reporting Guide

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NAUPA Unclaimed Property Authority logo

Creating the NAUPA file

You are required to create your NAUPA file prior to using the ReportItTN online portal. Our ReportItTN online reporting portal requires you to submit a file in the NAUPA format. Your NAUPA file may be .txt, hrs. or rpt. You have several options in creating your NAUPA file.

Reporting software options

There are various vendors that supply Unclaimed Property reporting software.

The functionality and price of each option may differ slightly. A free, NAUPA-approved version is available through HRS Pro. You may also visit the NAUPA website to create your own NAUPA file.

female working on laptop in office

calendar on laptop with pencil

What to expect

Once we receive your holder report we will verify that it meets all the requirements.

If your holder report is rejected you will be contacted by phone and/or mail with an explanation of what items need to be corrected. Depending on the circumstances, penalties may start accruing on the November 1st due date, or we may provide a grace period for you to fix your report and resubmit it to our office. For more information on why reports may be rejected, please see the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Holder reporting mini training modules

You are required to create your NAUPA file prior to using the ReportItTN online portal. The following modules provide step-by-step guides for completing tasks within the ReportItTN online portal.

The unclaimed property process

Unclaimed Property 101
How to report unclaimed property in Tennessee
How to identify unclaimed property
How to locate the owner
Submitting a report with a NAUPA file
Submitting a manual report
Reporting Securities As Unclaimed Property
Understanding Audits, Compliance & Negative Reports

For more material about holder responsibilities, quick tips and more,
please refer to the Complete Reporting Guide.

Download the Complete Reporting Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Click any of the following questions to view the answer.

Who must report Unclaimed Property?

All holders must report.

What is a holder?

A Holder is any organization who may owe money or property to an individual or business.  When the holder cannot find the owner, the unclaimed property must be reported.

Are negative reports required?

No. Negative reports are not required.

What is the difference between a positive and negative report?

A positive report has a value greater than $0.00, and a negative report is a $0.00 report.

Can property that is unclaimed be written off in the normal course of business?

No, any abandoned refunds or credits held by a business must be reported as Unclaimed Property and turned over to the state. 

How do I contact the Unclaimed Property Division?

Please email us at:

Where can I find forms for requesting a refund, common property types, and more?

These can be found under Forms and Guides

When is the report and remittance due?

Reports are due by November 1 of each year.

Can I report and deliver property before the prescribed dormancy period has elapsed?

Yes, TCA 66-29-138(b) allows a holder to report before the statutory due date if due diligence requirements have been met.

How do I apply for an extension?

Complete the extension request. The form can be found under Forms and Guides.

Is there a minimum amount that is reportable?

There is no minimum, all amounts are reportable.

Do I need to file my report electronically?

Yes, electronic reporting is required.

Which file formats are accepted? Can my file be encrypted?

The file you use to report unclaimed property on the web application should be the standard NAUPA II formats: .txt, rpt. or hrs.  Hde. format for encrypted files is no longer an accepted format.

What does it mean if the file selected to submit is rejected?

If you receive an error while uploading your file, you will need to make corrections before uploading the file again.  A common error is not using the correct file format.

What do I do now that I received an email that says my report had errors or warnings?

If your report has errors or warnings that can be accepted by the system, we will send you an email to notify you so you can make corrections on future reports.  If the error is not correctable, we will reject your report and send you an email listing the errors.  You will have to make the corrections and resubmit the report.  Your may contact our office if you continue to have issues after attempting to correct the errors.

Should I be cautious with error reports?

Yes. there may be sensitive PII on the downloaded error report; so proceed with necessary measures.

Can a file have multiple reports?

Yes, the file can have multiple reports.

Do I need to pay my report electronically?

Yes. Electronic payment is required. Holders have the option of paying by E-Check (ACH debit) or by credit card through The only other options are by Fed wire or ACH credit. You can make this request by emailing If approved, you will be sent the Fed wire or ACH credit instructions.

How can someone else with my company make payments?

Payments on a report that has been uploaded or entered manually using ReportItTN can be made by selecting the Submit Payment button under the Submit You Payment Online section on our website.

What is the most common error when making an ACH debit payment?

A debit-block may be on your account when the treasury attempts to pull the remitted funds, rejecting the transaction as an unauthorized debit. Contact your financial institutions prior to making payment and give them our company ID # B621868563 to allow the upcoming transaction.

How long does it take to process payments?

Normally, payments should be processed within three to five business days of the transaction.

How should securities and tangibles be remitted and what information is required?

Please refer to the Complete Reporting Guide to remit all other property.

Contact Us

Have questions about reporting unclaimed property? We're here to help!

Unclaimed Property Division—Reporting

(615) 253.5362

Mailing Address

Unclaimed Property Division
P.O. Box 198649

Nashville, TN  37219-8649