Event date: 10/13/2021 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Export event Jamie Page / Friday, September 24, 2021 / Categories: Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation The Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation will meet at 11:30 a.m. CT Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021, via Webex. The Advisory Council on Workers’ Compensation will meet at 11:30 a.m. (Central Time), Wednesday, October 13, 2021. This will be a virtual meeting via video and teleconference. Watch the Meeting Video Meeting number: 2319 916 4680 Password: fjRPcMjn932 OR Join by phone: Dial: 415-655-0001 Access code: 2319 916 4680 Print 21103 Documents to download 2021.10.13 ACWC Public Meeting Notice(.pdf, 201.62 KB) - 13744 download(s) 2021.10.13 ACWC Meeting Agenda(.pdf, 183.18 KB) - 13493 download(s) ACWC Meeting Minutes_Aug 26_2021(.pdf, 166.8 KB) - 12471 download(s) Advisory_Council_effect_of_reform_10.13.21(.pdf, 822.22 KB) - 12281 download(s) BYNAC Review_3-1-22_ncci_filing_issued_10-42-1(.pdf, 1.65 MB) - 997 download(s) TN NCCI Rate Analysis_2022_03_01(.pdf, 2.35 MB) - 970 download(s)