Event date: 10/7/2021 9:40 AM - 9:55 AM Export event Jamie Page / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Categories: Chairs of Excellence, College Savings Trust Fund Board Joint Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees for the Chairs of Excellence Trust & College Savings Trust Fund Program The Joint Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees for the Chairs of Excellence Trust and the College Savings Trust Fund Program will meet at 9:40 a.m. (CT) Oct. 7, 2021. The Joint Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees for the Chairs of Excellence Trust and the College Savings Trust Fund Program will meet at 9:40 a.m. (Central Time) Thursday, October 7, 2021. This will be a virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams. This meeting will permit participation by electronic or other means of communications pursuant to T.C.A. § 8-44-108. Join the meeting via Teams To join by phone (audio only): 1 (629) 209-4396, 969572197# United States, Nashville Phone Conference ID: 969 572 197# Individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in these proceedings and require an accommodation should contact the Financial Empowerment Division no less than two (2) days prior to the scheduled meeting to allow time for the Treasury Department to arrange for an accommodation. The Financial Empowerment Division may be contacted by mail at 502 Deaderick Street, Andrew Jackson Building, 15th Floor, Nashville, Tennessee 37243; by phone at (615) 532-8056; or by email at Jaye.Chavis@tn.gov. Previous Article Chairs of Excellence Trust Board of Trustees Next Article Board of Trustees for the Chairs of Excellence Trust Print 13203 Documents to download COE_CSTFP_Audit Committee_Agenda 10.7.21(.pdf, 100.39 KB) - 12390 download(s) COEAuditMeetingNotice 10.7.2021(.pdf, 142.16 KB) - 12898 download(s)