Event date: 12/17/2020 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Export event Jamie Page / Wednesday, December 2, 2020 / Categories: Executive Committee Executive Committee of the Tennessee Financial Literacy Commission (TNFLC) The Executive Committee of the Tennessee Financial Literacy Commission (TNFLC) will meet at 11 a.m. CT December 17, 2020, via Webex. The Tennessee Financial Literacy Commission Executive Committee will meet on December 17, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. CT, via WebEx. No physical meeting will be held. Join the meeting via Webex The Committee will consider the items on its meeting agenda, which will be attached when finalized. The meeting will be conducted permitting participation by electronic or other means of communications pursuant to T.C.A. § 8-44-108. Individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in these proceedings and require an accommodation should contact Bill Parker, Director of the Commission, no fewer than two (2) days prior to the scheduled meeting date to allow time for the Treasury Department to arrange for an accommodation. You may contact Mr. Parker at (615) 532-5892 or bill.parker@tn.gov. Print 24477 Documents to download 2020-12-17 TNFLC_Executive_Committee_Meeting_Notice(.pdf, 93.27 KB) - 24156 download(s) 2020-12-17 TNFLC Exec Mtg Agenda(.pdf, 107.62 KB) - 23022 download(s)