Retire Ready Tennessee

For Local Government Employees

As a local government employee in Tennessee, one of your most valuable benefits is your comprehensive retirement plan.

RetireReadyTN: Combined strengths for local government employees

Local government entities have the opportunity to take advantage of RetireReadyTN by selecting from a variety of benefit options designed to fit the needs of their employees.

Local governments may offer standalone defined benefit and deferred compensation plans, or a combination of both.

To better understand the retirement benefits provided by your employer, talk to the benefit coordinator within your office.

Be Aware of Marketing Contacts Referencing TCRS

People nearing retirement are attractive to marketing firms that get a fee for referrals to businesses offering retirement products. We have become aware of third-party organizations approaching members to offer retirement planning services. When contacting our members, these marketing firms often reference your future TCRS retirement benefits.

Retirement planning and counseling are services already offered at no charge to all members of the retirement plan. Members of RetireReadyTN, including TCRS and the State 401(k)/457(b) plans, can meet a RetireReadyTN Plan Advisor for assistance with retirement planning, counseling, or to discuss any other financial planning needs.

Protect yourself against companies that may be looking to profit for their services.

Meet with a Retirement Plan Advisor

Retirement Plan Information

Full-time Employees of Local Government Entities Electing to Participate

Retirement Plan for Local Government Employees

Your defined benefit plan

The Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS), provides lifetime retirement, survivor and disability benefits for employees and their beneficiaries.

Recognized as one of the best managed defined benefit plans in the country, TCRS provides lifetime retirement, survivor and disability benefits for employees and their beneficiaries. After a five-year vesting period, an employee becomes eligible to receive a monthly benefit at retirement once the age requirement is met. The benefit is calculated by the employee’s years of service and salary. The benefit provided by TCRS is a solid foundation for building a retirement future.

Learn more about the TCRS Login to TCRS Self-Service

Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) logo

A strong foundation. Peace of mind for your retirement future.

Your Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) is recognized as one of the top 5 strongest pension funds in the United States by Standard & Poor's (S&P).

Family in kitchen reading unclaimed property names in local newspaper

401(k) and 457(b) Plan Options

With over 500 participating local government entities, the Tennessee Treasury Department is proud to offer comprehensive retirement and education to communities throughout Tennessee.

View 401(k) plan highlights View 457(b) plan highlights View a 401(k) and 457(b) plan comparison Login to your 401(k)/457(b) accounts

Did you know?

You may spend 20 to 30 years — or more — in retirement. That’s great, but you want to make sure your savings last that long, too. And don’t forget that things will cost more in the future. If inflation averages 3% per year, groceries that cost $50 today will cost more than $120 in 30 years.

Check your retirement dashboard

man shopping in produce aisle of grocery store

Planning for Retirement?

When the time comes to retire, we want you to be ready. Make the most of your retirement by taking steps to plan for it now. This checklist will help you navigate the process from start to finish.

Retirement Checklist

couple planning for retirement

Access quick resources

With RetireReadyTN, you have all the resources you need to manage and optimize your retirement planning.

Seniors walking happily along path in woods

Do you know who your beneficiary is?

Check your beneficiaries

Female counselor meeting with employee

More than 3 years from retirement?

Register for a Readiness Review

Female on laptop, looking at online calendar

Within 3 years of retirement?

Call (800) 922-7772 to Schedule a Retirement Counseling session

Questions? Contact us today!

Contact Us

Have questions about your retirement account? We're here to help!

(800) 922-7772 (Main line)

(800) 345-1833 (TDD)

Mailing Address

Andrew Jackson Building, 15th Floor
502 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN  37243-0201

Deferred Compensation Program
Empower Retirement
PO Box 173764
Denver, CO 80217-3764