Retire Ready Tennessee

For Active Employees

As an active employee, enjoy the peace of mind of a strong Tennessee retirement program, while getting the most from your plan.

stones in front of waterfall in Tennessee

Stay active on your path to retirement!

As an active member, take advantage of the plans, resources, and education that RetireReadyTN has to offer you, and make sure you're on the path to retirement readiness!

RetireReadyTN combines the strengths of:

  • One of the nation's strongest defined benefit plans, provided by TCRS
  • A 401(k) plan through services provided by Empower Retirement
  • Retirement readiness education

Family with dog walking along outdoor path, smiling

Let's get started: Discover your plan features!

Select your employment type below to view your customized plan information:

for Teachers
for Higher Ed Employees
for Local Gov't Employees
for State Employees

View your retirement dashboard

The online participant center takes your total plan balance and other income sources to show your estimated income in retirement as well as what percentage of your working income you're on track to replace.

Login to your retirement dashboard

Need to Update Information for TCRS?

Log into Self-Service to update information with your defined benefit plan. Self-Service allows you to view account details, update your contact information, and apply for retirement online!

Login to TCRS Self Service

dad with son on his shoulders pretending to fly like an airplane

Access quick resources

With RetireReadyTN, you have all the resources you need to manage and optimize your retirement planning.

Seniors walking happily along path in woods

Do you know who your beneficiary is?

Check your beneficiaries

Female counselor meeting with employee

More than 3 years from retirement?

Register for a Readiness Review

Female on laptop, looking at online calendar

Within 3 years of retirement?

Call (800) 922-7772 to Schedule a Retirement Counseling session

Contact Us

Have questions about your retirement account? We're here to help!

(800) 922-7772 (Main line)

(800) 345-1833 (TDD)

Mailing Address

Andrew Jackson Building, 15th Floor
502 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN  37243-0201

Deferred Compensation Program
Empower Retirement
PO Box 173764
Denver, CO 80217-3764