Claim Your Unclaimed Property

Search for Property in Other States

Each state has its own unclaimed property program and search process—learn how you can check for property in other states.

magnifying glass icon over United States map

Have you lived in another state?

You may have unclaimed property held in an additional state or province.

Tennessee's Unclaimed Property program,, helps those with unclaimed property in Tennessee to claim it in three easy steps. If you believe you may have unclaimed property outside of Tennessee, you will need to search for and claim your property through the state that is holding it.

Check out the free services below to help you learn about—and quickly search for—property in other states.

Search all states at once with is officially endorsed by the National Association for Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA).

Visit, enter your name and any additional information, and conduct a free search across all participating states and provinces. If there is a match, you will be directed to the corresponding state's unclaimed property process for claiming your property.

Search for unclaimed property on screen capture

National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) logo

Visit participating states' websites and search directly

The National Association for Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) website features an interactive map, linking you to the unclaimed property websites for all participating states and provinces.

Visit the NAUPA website for other state programs

Looking for VA, federal, or other sources of unclaimed property?

Other sources of unclaimed property can include U.S. federal tax refund checks, National Credit Union Administration, Veterans Administration benefits, Swiss Bankers Association (for victims of the Holocaust), and other national and international holders. 

NAUPA features a series of resources for searching for unclaimed property from these and other various sources.

Visit the NAUPA website for additional resources

Contact Us

Have questions about the Unclaimed Property program?  We're here to help!

Unclaimed Property Division—Claims

(866) 370-9429

Mailing Address

Unclaimed Property Division
P.O. Box 190693

Nashville, TN  37219-0693