Event date: 10/8/2024 2:00 PM Export event Amanda Gargus / Friday, September 27, 2024 / Categories: Boards and Commissions, Chairs of Excellence Chairs of Excellence Trust Board of Trustees Meeting The Chairs of Excellence Trust Board of Trustees will meet on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Meeting Date and TimeTuesday, October 8, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. CT LocationWilliam R. Snodgress Tennessee TowerNashville Room, 3rd Floor312 Rosa L. Parks AvenueNashville, Tennessee 37243 The Chairs of Excellence Trust Board of Trustees will meet on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. CT or immediately following the Joint Audit Committee for the Chairs of Excellence Trust and the College Savings Trust Fund meeting which is scheduled for 1:45 p.m. CT, whichever is earlier. This will be an in-person meeting. At the meeting, the Board of Trustees will consider the items listed on its agenda. Individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in these proceedings and require an accommodation should contact the Financial Empowerment Division no less than two (2) days prior to the scheduled meeting to allow time for the Treasury Department to arrange for an accommodation. The Financial Empowerment Division may be contacted at (615) 253-2265 or by email at Jaye.Chavis@tn.gov. Print 939 Documents to download COE_BOT_PublicMeetingNotice_10082024(.pdf, 114.83 KB) - 208 download(s) COE Board Meeting Packet_10-08-2024_v2(.pdf, 4.41 MB) - 351 download(s)