Boards and Governance

Board Meetings

View upcoming TCRS board meetings, along with agendas, meeting minutes, and videos from previous meetings

Event date: 9/24/2020 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Export event

Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System - Board of Trustees - Investment Committee

A meeting of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System Board of Trustees Investment Committee has been scheduled for Thursday, September 24, 2020 via WebEx.

Meeting Date and Time
Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 10 A.M. CT

In the interest of public safety and welfare, this meeting will be held by electronic means only and will not occur in a physical location.

Attend this meeting via WebEx

Meeting number (Access code): 171 305 0229
Meeting password: Gm33Umw8jjU


Join by phone:
Access code: 171 305 0229


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