Claims and Risk Management

Criminal Injuries Compensation

Victims and claimants who meet eligibility requirements may be reimbursed for medical expenses,
loss of wages, and other unforeseen costs.

Online training is available to help anyone regularly working with victims to better understand eligibility and how to apply for compensation.

A resource for victims

If you or someone you know is an innocent victim of a violent crime committed in the State of Tennessee, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund may be a financial resource for you.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund was established as a fund of last resort to financially assist innocent victims of violent crime in Tennessee that results in personal injury. In the case of death, dependent family members may be eligible for compensation. Victims and claimants who meet eligibility requirements may be reimbursed for medical expenses, loss of wages, and other unforeseen costs related to the crime.

The mission of the Tennessee Department of Treasury is to invest in the well-being of Tennesseans, and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Program is one way we hope to do so. To find out if you may be eligible for compensation, please visit our eligibility requirements below.

View printable resource guide View printable resource guide—Español (Spanish)

Fondo de Compensación por Lesiones Debidas a un Delito (Español)

¿Lesionado en un crimen violento? Tal vez le podamos ayudar.


Who is eligible?

Individuals may be eligible for financial assistance from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund if they are:

  • The victim of the crime (the individual who received personal injury)
  • A dependent of a deceased victim
  • The administrator of the victim’s estate
  • Someone who was injured trying to prevent a crime or apprehend a criminal
  • A family member and anyone residing in the deceased victim's household responsible for funeral or burial costs
  • A victim's child who witnessed domestic violence against the parent and received counseling as a result
  • The family member of a homicide victim and anyone residing in the victim’s household who received mental health counseling
  • A sibling or parent of a victim of child sexual abuse who received counseling as a result

Additional eligibility requirements

Additionally, a victim must meet the following conditions to be eligible for compensation:

  • The crime must be reported to authorities within 15 days (unless the victim is a minor or there is good cause).
  • The crime must have happened in Tennessee.
  • The victim’s actions cannot contribute to the crime.
  • The victim/claimant must fully cooperate with police and efforts to prosecute.
  • A claim must be filed within two years of the crime, unless good cause can be established for not doing so.
  • There must be an eligible expense. This program is a fund of last resort, so it does not consider costs that are covered by another source.

If you meet these requirements, please review the covered expenses and apply using the Apply for Compensation section below. Be sure to follow the detailed instructions provided when applying.

What expenses may be covered?


Eligible (Covered) Expenses

Eligible (Covered) Expenses Explained

Medical Bills/Mental Health Counseling

This includes medical expenses directly related to the injury from the crime, up to the maximum award available. Any counseling services must be necessary due to the injury and may be considered for the victim up to the maximum award. In some cases, certain family members and anyone residing in the victim’s household may qualify up to a maximum of $3,500 for mental health counseling.

Lost Wages

The victim may qualify if employed at the time of injury. The program only considers wages lost because the victim is not physically able to work after the injury. Appropriate documentation is required to prove the wages lost.

Permanent Impairment/Disability

This requires a rating of the injury by a doctor and any payment is based on the victim’s weekly wage, the impairment rating, and provisions in the law.


Certain family members and anyone residing in the victim’s household may qualify (see eligible relatives) up to a maximum of $6,000 for funeral and burial expenses.

Loss of Financial Support to Dependents

There must be proof the victim was supporting the dependent(s) at the time of death. Those filing for a dependent child (or as an adult child) of the victim must provide proof of paternity. Any benefits for loss of support fall within the program maximum and may be divided among all eligible persons.

Pain and Suffering

A victim of a sexually-oriented crime may be eligible for up to $3,000, if it is determined he or she experienced pain and suffering as a result of the crime.

Moving Expenses

If the crime occurs in the victim’s primary residence, payment may be considered for a victim’s reasonable moving costs, storage fees, and utility transfer fee.

Crime Scene Clean Up

If the crime occurs in the victim’s or an eligible relative’s home, the program may consider up to $3,000 in costs for cleaning and removal of materials. This does not include repairs or replacement.

Trial Travel Expenses

Up to $1,250 in travel expenses to attend the trial and certain proceedings after it may be considered for up to four eligible persons, including the victim and certain relatives. Persons who are eligible to receive witness fees from the state or county are not eligible.

scales of justice in courtroom

Ineligible (Not Covered) Expenses

* Exceptions may include eyeglasses, dental devices, some medically-related devices, and prosthetics (if it is clear they were damaged in the crime)

Additional Ineligible (Not Covered) Expenses

Expenses that are (or will be) paid by the following are not eligible:

  • TennCare, Medicare, or Other Health Insurance
  • Auto Insurance
  • Life/Burial Insurance
  • Sick/Vacation Pay
  • Workers' Comp
  • Court-ordered Restitution
  • Donations
  • Homeowner's Insurance
  • Any Other Public or Private Resource

Apply for Compensation

Use the resources below to file a claim for compensation.

In most cases, a claimant (individual applying for compensation) is the individual responsible for payment of expenses associated with the crime. Legal guardians must file claims for those under 18 or those incapable of filing on their own behalf. The application should be submitted online through the link below.

Ver la versión en español (Spanish)

File a Claim Employer's Statement

family on couch, applying for claims compensation

Father and daughter checking mailbox

What to Expect: Application Process Overview

  1. Complete and submit application online
  2. Application reviewed along with any necessary supplemental information requested
  3. Eligibility Assessed after all information has been received
  4. Claimant Notified of decision in writing

File a claim

If you have been injured in a crime in the state of Tennessee, you or certain family members may apply to the Tennessee Criminal Injuries Compensation Program for help with the injury-related expenses, you may do so through our online portal.

All of the information must be filled out in one session. You cannot save your information and return to it later. For this reason, please be prepared to provide all relevant details of the incident, including date and location, and have all supporting documentation ready to upload in PDF or Word format before you begin.

NOTE: It is a misdemeanor to file a false claim with the Division of Claims and Risk Management.

Be an advocate for those in need

Advocates are an important part of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Program. We value your help in reaching victims and helping them understand the resources available to them.

Be empowered to help. Receive free training.

If you work with victims who meet our eligibility requirements and are struggling financially, please share our information so they can take advantage of this resource.

We offer free online CIC advocate training to equip you with the tools you need to help victims. To join our advocate email list and receive fund updates, please reach out to us at

View training for Advocates

Treasurer Lillard with Division of Risk and Claims staff

Frequently Asked Questions

Click any of the following questions to view the answer.

The maximum benefit of combined expenses for a victim and/or other eligible persons is $32,900, for crimes occurring on or after July 1, 2024.

It depends. The program is a fund of last resort, and can only consider those portions of a bill that are not covered by another source.

Yes, or another official document to show the crime was reported appropriately.

No. It is possible the offender may not be identified or arrested.

No. In fact, the trial may not be finished until after the time limit to file a claim has expired.

As defined by Tennessee law, the victim’s “family members” include the spouse, parent, grandparent, stepparent, child, grandchild, brother, half-brother, sister, half-sister, and the spouse’s parents or stepparents, and anyone residing in the victim’s household.

Payments may be made directly to the service provider, or, in some cases, directly to the victim.

Usually, an award that is paid directly to a minor is placed in trust with the juvenile court. The court will determine if the funds may be used before the child reaches age 18.

If the victim is injured in one of these specific crimes: DUI, fleeing the scene of an accident (with a serious injury), or a driver intentionally struck the victim. Certain exclusions apply for passengers riding with an intoxicated driver.

Each situation is unique depending on circumstances such as complexity of claim and current volume. Claims are typically processed within 90 days, but incomplete applications, missing documentation, and suspended claims may delay the process.

Help is available to you at any point in this process. Contact our Customer Service Representative at (833) 867-3891 with any questions, comments or concerns.

Contact Us

Have questions about the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund?

(833) 867-3891

Mailing Address

Criminal Injuries Compensation Program
502 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN 37243-0202